Open navigation

Managing Hubs


Central administration

Alternative administration URL

Interval of the settings query

Type of IP address

ThinPrint Hub Firmware


Connection Service


Adding printers

Renaming or deleting Printers

Global SNMP settings


Hub Monitoring


Personal Printing


ThinPrint Port

Further functions


Info tab

Actions tab

Licenses tab

Machine Certificates tab

Acl tab

Note: Support is no longer provided for this product. Please use Cloud Management as an alternative.


Central administration

Here the central administration can be enabled and disabled via the NoTouch Center.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Central administration

Caution! If central management is enabled, all settings previously made on the Hub are reset.

Alternative administration URL

This menu item allows you to enter an alternative address at which the ThinPrint Hub should contact you in the future. For example, the Hub is used in a location without a VPN connection and should report to the public IP of the NoTouch Center after its initial setup.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Alternative administration URL

Interval of the settings query

The time interval at which the ThinPrint Hub should ask for new settings can be specified under Management Anncounce Interval (Minutes).

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Interval of the settings query

Type of IP address

Here you can determine which IP address is linked to the ThinPrint Hub when you click the globe icon in the NoTouch Center.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Type of IP address

The possible options are:

  • Internal IP → IPv4 address of the ThinPrint Hubs
  • External/Visible IP → address recognized by the NoTouch Center (can also be an IPv6 address depending on the network)
  • No Setting → default setting corresponds to External/Visible IP

ThinPrint Hub Firmware

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Firmware

Only updates are possible. Downgrades are not supported. 


See the section Distributing the certificates to the Hubs.

Connection Service

The ThinPrint configuration is divided in two in the NoTouch Center. The Connection Service can be found under its own menu item Connection Service of the group settings or the settings of a single Hub. 

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Connection Service

Connection Service (Slider)enables the ThinPrint Client’s Connection Service thread
Note: With disabling the Connection Service option and then enabling it directly you can trigger a connection from the Hub to the Connection Ser­vice. On this, see also the PowerShell cmdlet Set-TPHubThinPrintConSvc­Config.
Addressthe address of the server on which the Connection Service runs
TCP PortTCP port, over which the ThinPrint Client connects with the Connection Service; default: 4001
Client IDthe device’s identification number, for logging on to the Connection Service
Authentication Keyauthentication key for logging on to the Connection Service


Adding printers

In the NoTouch Center, select the Hub on which you want to create a printer. Click on Add Printer to initially assign a printer name.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: adding printers

The following properties can be configured below: 

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: printer properties

IDidentification number of the printer (in the ThinPrint Client), see ThinPrint Engine on print servers
Host Namenetwork printer address (IP address, hostname or FQDN)
Printer Port

communikation via TCP/IP

communikation via LPR

communikation via USB
Using the NoTouch Center only 1 USB printer per hub can be managed. If you want to connect more than one printer via USB, the relevant ThinPrint Hub must be removed from the central administration and managed separately via the web interface.

Printer TCP Portport via which the printer is addressed. Only used if "TCP/IP" is selected in the Printer Port property.
Custom Printer LP Optionsqueue name (of the LPD)
Windows Printer Driver Name

printer driver name

(information field for Management Services)

Renaming or deleting Printers

Select the printer to be renamed. You can then rename the printer by clicking Rename.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Renaming printers

In the same mask, you can also delete the printer by clicking Delete

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: deleting printers

Global SNMP settings

In NoTouch Center, select the ThinPrint Hub you want to configure and select the Global SNMP Settings submenu item. Here you can configure the following items.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Global SNMP settings

Printer Monitoringenabling or disabling the printer monitoring via SNMP
SNMP Version

SNMP 1 and 2c

Simplest but least reliable way to send status queries to printers. Only a common community name is required for the setup (default is Public), which is transmitted in plain text.

Secure variant for sending status queries to printers. In addition to a user name, a password must also be stored for the hub and printer to match. The password is hashed either via MD5 or SHA.
All communication between ThinPrint Hub and printer can also be encrypted via DES or AES.

Community Namedefault: Public
Specification of a network/community under which printers respond to requests. This community name has to be stored for all printers you want to monitor.
Only relevant for SNMP 1 and 2c.
User Nameuser name which is to be used for authentication
Authentication TypeChoice between 2 authentication types
• MD5 (only recommended for test purposes only)
Authentication Passphrasepassword which is to be used for authentication at the printer via SNMP
Privacy TypeChoice between 2 encryption types
• AES (optional)
Privacy Passphrasepassword which is to be used for encrytion of the SNMP queries (optional)
Enable SNMP ProxyBy enabling the SNMP proxy, you can send SNMP queries to the Hubs and obtain status information on the connected printers.


Only a description field is available here, e. g. for the branch office in which the Hub is located. 

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: General settings

Hub Monitoring

See the Hub Monitoring section of the corresponding documentation for the web console of the Hub.


See the section Network settings of the corresponding documentation for the web console of the Hub.

Personal Printing

See the Personal Printing Release Station section of the Personal Printing documentation.


See the section System settings of the corresponding documentation for the web console of the Hub.

ThinPrint Port

The ThinPrint configuration is divided in two in the NoTouch Center. ThinPrint Port and Bandwidth Control can be found under the menu item ThinPrint Port of the group settings or the settings of a single Hub.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: ThinPrint Port

TCP PortTCP port, on which the ThinPrint Client listens. If nothing is entered the default value will be used. The default value is 4000.
Bandwith Control (in kbit/s)
  • bandwith value
  • must be less than or equal to the value in the ThinPrint Engine
  • if the value is higher, or the Client control on the server side has been disabled, the server value will be used
Bandwith Control (Slider)enables client side bandwidth control
Printer Timeouttimeout if printing failed (1–360 s)

Further functions


  • The Hub menu opens when you select the name of a Hub, e. g. ReleaseStation-03.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Buttons

Here you will find the following buttons in the upper right corner:

change the Hub's display name
add a printer
remove the Hub from its group and move it to Unassigned
replace the Hub with another device and move the settings there
remove the Hub from the Stratodesk database
restart the Hub
open the Hub's web console (using its IP address)
Tip: In case the button does not work – e. g. when using Firefox – then use either another browser or drag&drop or Unassign in the context menu.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Unassign

Info tab

In this register you will find all important information about the Hub, e. g:

  • list of recent events
  • hostname
  • IP adress
  • system time
  • firmware  version

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Info tab

Actions tab

  • On the Actions tab, you can reboot the Hubs, announce them to the NoTouch Center, reset the authentication key (Mkey Auth Token), perform the automatic assignment to a group again (Re-run Autoassign) or wipe a Hub (Factory Reset/Remote Wipe).
  • Confirm with Execute.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Actions tab

Licenses tab

The Stratodesk license shown here is not relevant for ThinPrint Hubs.

See the Licensing section instead.

Machine Certificates tab

Here you can upload Hub-specific certificates.

  • Drag the web server certificate of the Hub into the Drop Files Here field.
  • Click the Upload All button to upload the certificate to the NoTouch Center.

For managing certificates see also Distributing certificates.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Machine Certificates tab

Acl tab

  • On the Acl tab you can see the permissions of the NoTouch Center users in relation to the respective hub: Read or Write. These permissions are set in the Group menu. They are inherited both to the subgroups and to the hubs. Therefore, they cannot be changed here.

Managing ThinPrint Hubs using the NoTouch Center: Acl tab

Acl stands for Access Control List.


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