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Sample configuration • Connection Service

Scenario and technical restrictions


Basic installation

Application server

ThinPrint server


License Server

Basic configuration


Creating printers

ThinPrint Client Service Windows

Central print server under Windows

Creating printer ports (ThinPrint Engine)

Enable encryption

Windows server with Connection Service

Creating printers on the central print server

Application server / host system


Print test

Scenario and technical restrictions

This example shows how to configure an application server and a central print server for printing with Connection Service in Windows.

On the client side, the example describes a workstation running Windows (a local print server could be used instead); information for other operating systems and devices is found in the online documentation of ThinPrint Hub, ThinPrint Client Linux and ThinPrint Client Mac.

The components required for this example are:

  • 1 application server (e. g. a Citrix XenApp server in the domain)
  • 1 central Windows print server (in the domain) with ThinPrint Engine installed
  • 1 Windows server with Connection Service installed
  • 1 ThinPrint License Server (can be installed on any server of the domain)
  • 1 NAT router
  • 1 Windows workstation with ThinPrint Client Windows installed
  • 1 network printer with an internal or external print server (without embedded ThinPrint Client)


  • The ThinPrint Connection Service only works with TCP/IP.
  • Installation of the ThinPrint Engine on a central print server is not described in depth here. For the installation procedure, see Installing ThinPrint Engine on the print server.
Installed on ...ComponentIP address (computer name)
Central print serverThinPrint Engine192.168.149.114 (cps47.ourdomain.local)
Additional Windows serverThinPrint Connec­tion Service192.168.149.23 (tp-proxy-04)
Application server (e. g. XenApp)ThinPrint Engine192.168.149.200 (ts074.ourdomain.local)
(or local print server)
ThinPrint Client192.168.1.150 (client701)

Sample configuration • Connection Service

Basic installation

Application server

Provide an application server; e. g., a Citrix XenApp server or a Microsoft Remote Desktop Session host (or terminal server).

ThinPrint server (central print server)

Install ThinPrint Engine on a central print server. Please see ThinPrint Engine on print servers.


Install a ThinPrint Client on a Windows workstation (or on a local Windows print server). See ThinPrint Client Windows.

License Server

Install ThinPrint License Server on any Windows server. Enable at least one user for ThinPrint. See License Server.

Basic configuration

Assign all computers and devices involved IP addresses in the headquarters’ subnet ( / 24) and in the local, masked subnet ( / 24); for example:

  • For the application server:
  • For the central print server:
  • For the server with Connection Service:
  • For the local print server:
  • For the network printer:

If you are running non-Windows servers as host systems (application servers) but the central print server is nevertheless a Windows server, please activate the server role LPD Service on the central print server (Server Roles→ Print and Document Services→ LPD Service) or else install alternative software such as SAPSprint.

ThinPrint Connection Service: enabling server role LPD Service for Unix


On the workstations1 you can use Windows or a non-Windows operation system. The only requirement is that the ThinPrint Client to be installed supports the Connection Service; the following are appropriate:

  • ThinPrint Client Windows
  • ThinPrint Client Service Windows
  • ThinPrint Client Linux
  • ThinPrint Client Mac
  • ThinPrint Hub

If you want to use Driver Free Printing to send print data from the central print server to the workstations, you must use Windows machines for all participating computers – application servers, ThinPrint Servers, workstations. If only the application servers and the central print server have a Windows operating system, then you can use V-Layer (see V-Layer).

The following shows an example of how a Windows computer can be configured with the ThinPrint Client Service Windows as local print server.

Creating printers

Create two printers (printer objects) on the workstation for:

  • the network printer HP Color LaserJet 3600
  • the network printer Lexmark T644

For this create new Standard TCP/IP ports.

ThinPrint Client Service Windows

Install ThinPrint Client as described in ThinPrint Client Windows.

  • Start the ThinPrint Client Manager (via Start menu).
  • Find the printer IDs for the HP Color LaserJet 3600 and the Lexmark T644 under Assignment – here, 1 and 2, respectively.
 ThinPrint Client Manager: printer IDs
  • Enable Use Connection Service on the Advanced tab.

ThinPrint Client Manager: enabling the Connection Service

  • In the Connection Service tab, enter the following:
    • Connection server address:
    • TCP port: 4001
    • Client ID: 99 (here as example)
    • Authentication key: 111 (here as example)
    • Connection retry interval (s) : 300 (here as example)
    • Keep alive interval: 60 (if displayed)
  • Close ThinPrint Client Manager with OK.
  • Restart the ThinPrint Client Service in the Windows Services folder.

ThinPrint Client Manager: entering the IP address of the server where Connection Service is running, plus a client ID

Central print server under Windows

Creating printer ports (ThinPrint Engine)

  • Open the ThinPrint Engine port configuration.
  • Create a new printer port of the type ThinPrint Connection Service Port.

Creating a new ThinPrint port for the Connection Service

  • In the next window, enter a port name.

ThinPrint Port Manager: entering a port name for Connection Service

  • Open the properties (in context menu) of the new printer port and enter the following:

Connection Server address: tp-proxy-04


Connection Server address:

ThinPrint Port Manager: entering Connection Service’s address

For print jobs to travel from the Connection Service to the workstation and from there to the correct printer, the address information needs to be entered into the printer names. This can be done manually or with Management Ser­vices.

The resulting printers then have the following syntax:


with hash mark (#) between the printer name and client ID
and with a colon (:) between client ID and printer ID.

  • Select the appropriate naming convention in the properties of the new ThinPrint port. Confirm with OK.

ThinPrint Port Manager: printer naming convention

Enable encryption

When printing over the internet, it is highly recommended to enable encryption for your print data to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information during transmission. Without encryption, print jobs could potentially be intercepted and accessed by unauthorized parties. Fortunately, our software includes a built-in encryption feature that allows you to securely transmit your print data. By activating this functionality, you can safeguard your documents and maintain a high level of security when printing remotely. We described every step in our ThinPrint Engine documentation.

Windows server with Connection Service

1. Start the Connection Service configuration.

opening the Connection Service configuration console

2. To set up the server, select Edit Settings (lower arrow). 

Connection Service's configuration console

3. Select Add to specify the addresses of the print servers that can communicate with the Connection Service (right arrow in following Illus.), or disable the Limit access to the following print servers option (left arrow). Here, as an exam­ple, the address is specified. Click on OK and conclude by restarting TP Connection Service, or select the option Restart Service

TCP ports for connecting the Connection Service and addresses of print serv­ers and management computers

Note! If this option is enabled and other ThinPrint components such as Management Services Agent are being used, then their addresses must be specified here.

4. Under TCP Ports, you can configure over which ports ThinPrint Clients and ThinPrint Engines (or Management Services Agent) should connect with Connection Service. The port numbers must match those of the connection partners.

5. To set up the clients, select Configure Connections.

6. Enter the client ID and the authentication key for ThinPrint Client. You get this from the ThinPrint Client Manager. Connection Service enters the client address automatically, as soon as ThinPrint Client has con­nected. If the connection is not made automatically, then restart ThinPrint Cli­ent; with ThinPrint Client as a Windows service, restart the TP Client Service Windows.

entering client IDs and authentication key for ThinPrint Clients

7. The console then displays the established and, where applicable, connected ThinPrint Clients. 

Connection Service console: print servers and ThinPrint Clients set up

Creating printers on the central print server

You can use Management Services for automatic printer creation. It simplifies the cre­ation of printers and allows the transfer of finishing options to the created printers.

If Management Services are not available create the printers as follows:

  1. Create printers with the following syntax:
    HP Color LaserJet 3600#99:1
    Lexmark T 644#99:2
    where, 99 represents the client ID and 1 (or2) is the printer ID in ThinPrint Client Manager. Note the syntax, using the hash key (#) and colon (:).
  2. Connect the printers that use a type 3 or v3 driver (including TP Output Gateway) to the classic ThinPrint Connection Service port (here: CS_1:) that you created earlier; see section Creating printer ports (ThinPrint Engine) above. If, on the other hand, you are dealing with a type 4 driver, then connect the printer in question to the corresponding v4 port (here: \\.\pipe\TPv4_CS_1:). For more information see the section Connecting printers to ThinPrint Ports.

The result is shown here:

Connection Service: created printers on the central print server

Application server/host system

The application servers send their print jobs to printers installed on a central print server. To print to these shares in a pure Windows environment, the remote desktops only need to establish a connection to these shares. In contrast, for all constellations using non-Windows servers, you use the LPR / LPD print protocol.


AutoConnect can automate the process whereby of printers are created when a ses­sion is open on a Windows machine. In doing so, AutoConnect automatically creates printer connections to the printers on the central print server for the duration of the session.

To achieve this, AutoConnect must be installed on each participating machine, such as terminal servers, for example. Use ThinPrint Engine for the installation of AutoConnect on Remote Desktops. This extension is an option in the Engine installation wizard.

Then enter the shares from the central print server (in this example: HP Color LaserJet 3600 and Lexmark T644) into the AutoConnect configuration on the remote desktop under Map Additional Printers.

 ThinPrint AutoConnect: entering shares from the central print server

ThinPrint AutoConnect: entering shares from the central print server

Printers on a Windows terminal server connected by AutoConnect – printing to a Windows workstation (TP Output Gateway used as driver)

Printers on a Windows terminal server connected by AutoConnect – printing to a Windows workstation (TP Output Gateway used as driver)

The two printers can now be used for the duration of a remote desktop session.

Print test

Now test the Connection Service installation. Print using the newly created printers on both network printers. The user who is printing must be enabled for ThinPrint on the license server (see Accessing user configuration).

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