Components for unattended licensing
Automatic renewal of update subscription
All ThinPrint license keys can be installed with the License Manager. The following sections explain how license keys can be distributed and activated.
Components for unattended licensing
- License Manager
The program component for entering and activating license keys is named License Manager. - License file
This text file contains a list of the servers (onto which the licenses shall be entered) and the assigned license keys in the following syntax:
<IP address>:<license key>
or<host name>:<license key>
The licenses file uses the .txt format and has to be ANSI coded (not Unicode).
license file for licensing two servers (example)
- Activation file
The activation file is created automatically by License Manager. Its structure is the same as that of the license file – with two exceptions:- After installation of license keys, it also includes the hardware specific registration keys. The activation file is sent in this form to ThinPrint.
- ThinPrint adds the activation keys to the activation file and returns it to you. This file is used for activation.
The activation file will then contain an entry for each server as follows:
<IP address>:<license key>:<registration key>:<activation key>
<host name>:<license key>:<registration key>:<activation key>
The activation file also uses the .txt format and has to be ANSI coded (not Unicode).
- Log file
The activation file created after the licenses have been entered contains additional information about the ensuing licensing process and therefore also serves as a log file. Should errors occur, this file will include their error messages, which are helpful during troubleshooting.
Prerequisite: License Manager must already be installed wherever license keys are going to be activated. For example, this will have been done automatically when installing ThinPrint Engine.
- Open the command prompt. Change to
C:\Program Files\Common Files\ThinPrint if necessary
. - Start automatic license input with:
Example:rundll32 "<path>\TPLicMMC.dll",Licman -u:"<path>\<license file>" -w:"<path>\<activation file>"
rundll32 TPLicMMC.dll,Licman -u:licenses.txt -w:activation.txt
starting unattended licensing (example)
It is required to enter the parameter -w and specify the activation file; any name can be chosen for the activation file (format: .txt; ANSI coded, not Unicode). A parameter description can be found in the section License Manager parameters (below).
Note! If the license file contains several server addresses License Manager executes the installation, as well as the activation, of license keys remotely.
Prerequisite: License Manager must already be installed on the remote servers and can be reached.- Complete the activation file
Afterwards upload the activation file in the Cortado Enterprise Portal (→ Customer View) by clicking the import button ().
activation file after licensing two servers (example)
importing an activation file to the Enterprise Portal
Then you will receive the activation file by e-mail. Additionally it contains both activation keys and subscription keys.
These keys will also be displayed in the Enterprise Portal. Alternatively, you can download them here as an activation file – using the export button ().
activation file returned by Cortado or downloaded from the Enterprise Portal (example for two servers)
exporting the activation file from the Enterprise Portal
Automatic activation
- Exchange the activation file uploaded to the Cortado Enterprise Portal for the one got back.
The activation keys can now be read in. To do so, open License Manager again with parameters:
rundll32 "<path>\TPLicMMC.dll",Licman -u:"<path>\<activation file>" [-w:"<path>\<log file>"]
rundll32 TPLicMMC.dll,Licman -u:activation.txt -w:thinprint.log
starting unattended activation (example)
- Check the success of your activation in the log file or in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of License Manager (screenshot after the following).
log file after activation – with success and error messages (example)
License Manager after activating a server (example)
Automatic renewal of update subscription
Automatically entering and activating licenses also lets you renew your Update Subscriptions. If the activation file sent by ThinPrint does not already include subscription keys, enter the server address and the relevant subscription key in a separate line. The syntax for entering a subscription key is the same as the syntax for a license key.
Note! Activation and subscription can be made in a single step by adding the subscription key to the activation file and loading these as above. Please note the correct sequence:
<address>:<license key>:<registration key>:<activation key>
<address>:<subscription key>
Alternatively, the subscription key can also be entered later by opening License Manager after the license has been activated (see above).
Deleting license keys
Caution! License Manager offers the possibility of deleting license keys irrevocably (using the Destroy License function). Be aware however, that once license keys have been destroyed they can not be reentered - not even if they had been previously activated!
License Manager parameters
Parameter | Meaning ... | |
... with automatic license input | ... with automatic activation | |
-u | Path to the license file | Path to the activation file (got back from ThinPrint) |
-w | Path to the activation file (to be sent to ThinPrint) | Path to the log file |