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ThinPrint Client Mac for multiple users

If the ThinPrint Client Mac for TCP/IP is installed, and several users use a Mac simul­taneously, and if the different users make changes to the client configuration, then print jobs may not print correctly.

If you want to set up the Mac Client for TCP/IP for multiple users, proceed as fol­low:

  • Any user who has the ThinPrint Client for TCP/IP installed on his Mac should log out when he is not using the Mac himself

    Fast user switch isn't supported at the moment. If you need it please write to our support team ([email protected]).

  • Each Mac user needs a separate TCP port (see TCP port setting top right).

ThinPrint Client Configurator: Advanced tab

  • Create a separate ThinPrint Port on the server for each user, and enter a port number that matches the one on the Mac
  • On the server, AutoConnect should be configured such that the user prints over the port created for him, e. g. by listing the user in User/Group in Dynamic Printer Matrix and entering his port as the target.

users listed in Dynamic Printer Matrix' User/Group column

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