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Tpms logging

To enable logging, use the cmdlet Out-File. To test the usage, you can put the command lines of the example in the section How to create a first printer with Tpms to a script (see below). Using Out-File, its output will be written to the log file Tpms.log. Additionally, it’s necessary to add the current date to this log file with Date | Out-File.

$port = New-TpmsObjTcpIpPortRaw -Name Lexmark: -PortNumber 9100 -HostAddress "" 
$printer = New-TpmsObjPrinter -Name "Lexmark T644" -Driver "Lexmark T644 (MS)" -Port Lexmark: 
$srv = New-TpmsObjApplyAgent -Name "tpms002.ourdomain.local" -Port 5050 -Printers ($printer) -Ports ($port) 
Date | Out-File -FilePath "c:\logs\Tpms.log" -Append 
Start-TpmsApplyByAgent -Action Deploy -Servers ($srv) | Out-File -FilePath "c:\logs\Tpms.log" -Append

See also the section Log levels.

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