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About Personal Printing

What is Personal Printing?

Overview of the benefits

What is Personal Printing?

The safe handling of print output is particularly important for certain branches or for individual departments, for example, in finance and legal or in accounting. However, allocating a separate printer to every employee is not a practical solution for protect­ing documents from unwanted exposure.

As an alternative, Personal Printing offers a simple solution to this problem. Personal Printing ensures that printing within the business remains private. It's a solution that offers secure, environmentally friendly and, at the same time, flexible printing.

All sensitive documents remain protected because printing only occurs after indi­vidual authentication, directly at the printer. This authentication can be achieved using an already existing identification card or a smartphone, as well as with PIN entry.

Personal Printing can be used with any printer model in your business and so offers real flexibility. Because the user can always print to the device that is currently avail­able, long waiting times in the print queue are a thing of the past.

Print jobs that turn out to be not required can be deleted from the print server, manually at any time by the user, or automatically after a set time has elapsed. So toner and paper consumption in the business can be reduced and printing costs saved, in an environmentally friendly way.

The solution suits any printing environment, regardless of the hardware manufac­turer. It can be optionally expanded, with functions such as print data compression, bandwidth control of print data transmission or a tracking function.

Overview of the benefits

More secure printing of confidential information on network printers in public areas. Before printing, employees must identify themselves at the printers.
Since print jobs are always picked up personally, they can’t end up in unauthorized hands, or be forgotten in the paper tray.

  • Self-registration
    Users with an AD account can either be enabled for Personal Printing by the admin­istrator or register themselves.
  • Save on printing costs
    Only those documents that are really needed and which are picked up are printed. No printouts remain lying around in common areas.
  • Optimal printer efficiency
    Users first send their print job from the application and then simply select a printer that is currently free. This eliminates jams in the printer queue and prevents error messages when the printer is turned off or busy.
  • Fewer drivers
    On Windows computers, just one single printer object is sufficient: the Personal Printer. The original drivers are bundled on the Personal Printing server or another print server.
  • All printers are supported
    The solution is independent from the print device. That means that all types of print­ers are supported. You can use Personal Printing with any network printer, e. g., by using the Personal Printing Release Station or printers with embedded Personal Printing Client.

Personal Printing: example with chip-card authentication

  • Tracking
    This gives you an overview of how much has been printed on which printer and with which settings.
  • JobViewer
    Each user can use the JobViewer to display their print jobs from any workstation. The document list can be shown using a web browser and individual print jobs can be sorted differently or deleted.

Personal Printing JobViewer: list of stored print jobs

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