The Enterprise Portal greatly facilitates the destruction of license keys and replaces the transmission of the previously used Letters of Destruction (LoDs). Destroying license keys is necessary, or advisable, particularly in the following cases:
- when you wish to receive credits for license keys no longer used, as part of an upgrade or license change
- if as a Service Provider, you want to ensure that you are not invoiced for license keys that are no longer used
- to ensure that license keys no longer being used are excluded when calculating future update and support service renewals
The destruction of license keys can be done in all views in which license activation is possible in principle. To destroy license keys that are no longer required, proceed as follows: In the first column, select the license keys to be destroyed and click on the Actions button Request activation for selected license(s).
select and destroy license keys
The following pop-up window appears:
selecting and destroying licenses
In the comments field you have an option available, to give a brief explanation for the destruction. To prevent accidental deletion of licenses, confirm the destruction by typing in the word Accept, before you click on the Send button. Within 24 hours, the destroyed licenses will be deleted from all views in the Cortado Enterprise Portal.
Caution! Upon deletion of one or more licenses, you must take any and all measure required for the complete deletion of the software, including:
- Relinquishing any and all rights of use for the software resulting from the End User License Agreement with regard to the licenses to be deleted.
- Deletion of any and all license, activation, and subscription keys of the software for the licenses to be deleted.
- Upon deletion of all licenses previously in use, the software must be deleted completely.
Please note that deleted license keys may not be re-activated and deployed again. Deletion of licenses is irrevocable and permanent.