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Requirements for Management Services

Tpms.Powershell on admin computers

Tpms.Service on a web server in the data center

License Server

Tpms.Agent on print servers

Tpms.Agent on workstations

User permissions

ThinPrint Clients (optional)

AutoConnect (optional)

Virtual Channel Gateway (optional)

Firewall settings

Tpms.Powershell on admin computers

  • Windows 11, 10 x64, 8.1 x64, 8 x64 or 7 x64 or Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 Update 1, 2012 or 2008 R2 SP1
  • .NET Framework 4.0 or later, including ASP.NET, recommended: .NET Framework 4.5.2
  • Tpms.Powershell machine and license server must be members of the same domain, of a trusted or subdomain.

Tpms.Service on a web server in the data center

  • Windows 11, 10 x64, 8.1 x64, 8 x64 or 7 x64 or Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 Update 1, 2012 or 2008 R2 SP1
  • .NET Framework 4.0 or later, including ASP.NET, recommended: .NET Framework 4.5.2
  • Tpms.Service machine and license server must be members of the same domain, of a trusted or subdomain.

License Server

  • a ThinPrint License Server (formerly Cortado License Server)
  • on a server in the data center (can be installed together with Tpms.Service)
  • must be a member of a domain
  • a ThinPrint Engine Premium license key

Tpms.Agent on print servers

  • Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 Update 1 (including Core Servers), 2012, 2008 R2 SP1 (including Failover Clusters and Core Servers)
  • .NET Framework 4.0 or later, including ASP.NET, recommended: .NET Framework 4.5.2
    up to Windows Server 2008 R2: .NET Framework 4.0
  • optional: ThinPrint Engine on print servers in the data center
  • The Tpms.Agent server must be a member of the same domain as the license server (or of a trusted or subdomain) when running a ThinPrint Engine on this machine. Otherwise, any domain membership is sufficient.

Note! Don’t use type-4 printer drivers for printer objects on ThinPrint Ports (see Overview of cmdlets).

Tpms.Agent on workstations

  • Windows 11, 10 x64/x86 recent version, 8.1 x64/x86, 8 x64/x86 or 7 x64/x86
  • The Tpms.Agent workstation must be a member of the same domain as the license server (or of a trusted or subdomain) when running the ThinPrint Engine on this machine. Otherwise, any domain membership is sufficient.

Note! Tpms.Powershell, Tpms.Service and Tpms.Agent can be installed on the same machine or on separate machines. Installation of these components is also possible together with the license server or ThinPrint Engine, but not with Personal Printing.

User permissions

Please note the following user rights when setting up the Management Services:

  • License server: user specified/used with Tpms installation

If the account you’ve used to install Tpms.Service or Tpms.Agent shouldn’t have admin permissions on the license server you’ve been asked for appropriate cre­dentials.

  • Tpms.Service: Tpms.Powershell’s domain user in web server’s local admin group

For Tpms.Powershell to authenticate to the Tpms.Service:

Take all domain users that are to be run Tpms.Powershell into the local Administrators group of the server where Tpms.Service is installed.

  • Tpms.Powershell: domain user logged on to admin computer

For Tpms.Powershell to authenticate to the Tpms.Service:

Use a domain user account to log on to the administration computer – where Tpms.Powershell is installed. This account must have local administrator permissions on the computer running Tpms.Service (see above)!

Then, start Tpms.Powershell with the Run as administrator option.

  • Credentials specified by New-TpmsObjSetupAgent

For the Tpms.Service to authenticate to the Tpms.Agent:

Use New-TpmsObjSetupAgent to set the target computer on which the Tpms.Agent is running. The Tpms.Service then logs on to the Tpms.Agent with the required logon data -– specified with the parameter -Credential – to request its certificate from there. The account used must have administrator permissions on the Tpms.Agent computer.
The -Credential parameter is only required if the Tpms.Agent does not run on the same computer as the Tpms.Service.

ThinPrint Management Services: user permissions

ThinPrint Clients (optional)

  • TCP/IP type of ThinPrint Client with AutoConnect support to be able to retrieve printer information for Tpms
  • primarily in branch offices
  • on local print servers, workstations, thin clients, network printers or on ThinPrint gateway appliances
  • three client types for additional installation: RDP, ICA and TCP/IP
    (PCoIP type is embedded in Horizon View Clients for Windows, Mac OS and Linux)

AutoConnect (optional)

  • on all Windows computers that will automatically map the printer shares from the central print servers

Virtual Channel Gateway (optional)

  • on Remote Desktop Session Hosts or virtual desktops, if print jobs are to be delivered (to mobile or home users) via RDP, ICA or PCoIP
  • RDP or ICA type of ThinPrint Client required on workstations or thin clients
  • already present in VMware Horizon View environments

Firewall settings

default TCP ports:

  • 5050 for connections from Tpms.Service to Tpms.Agent
  • 4040 for connections from Tpms.Powershell to Tpms.Service
  • 135 and 4005 for connections from Tpms.Service, Tpms.Agent or ThinPrint Engine to the license server
  • 4004 for web browser connections to the license server’s Management Console
  • 4001 for connections from ThinPrint Client to Connection Service (optional)
  • 4000 for connections from Tpms.Agent to ThinPrint Client (optional)
  • 4000 for connections from Tpms.Agent or ThinPrint Engine to Connection Ser­vice (optional)
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