When it comes to the configuration of printer queues using templates saves you time and effort. Especially if you own several printers from the same model. Instead of configuring every printer queue one by one you can create a printer template and configure just this queue for this specific model.
The best practice would be to have a dedicated template server that provides all necessary printer templates. But it also works if you use one of your existing print servers as a template server. In this case, you should use the variable $TemplateFilter in our Create new printer(s) action to make sure your users always choose the right template. For example, name your templates with a prefix like “Template_” and set the filter to this value. Afterward, only your templates will be displayed when running the Create new printer(s) action.
Creating printer templates
You can use a dedicated server or one of your existing print servers as a template server.
- Use the Add printer function of the Windows operating system to create a new printer queue.
- We recommend using a prefix in the printer queue name which you can use as a filter.
- When the printer queue is created you can configure the capabilities manually or by using the automatic printer configuration (if the printer driver offers this function). For the automatic configuration, the printer has to be accessible from the template server.
- Additionally, you can specify the printing defaults.
- Last but not least, you have to configure the NTFS permissions of the template printer queue. The computer accounts of your print servers need Manage printer permissions on the printer queue otherwise they can’t copy the properties and capabilities.