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Example 1: cmdlet usage

Example 2: cmdlet usage

Example 3: Script containing New-TpmsObjVLayerPair


Defines a model for a V-Layer pair (of a native printer and an Output Gateway printer as well as the appro­priate printer ports). The model is represented by a container that predefines all printers and ports to be installed by Tpms.Agent in one variable.

Afterwards, this model can be used to define the target machine using New-TpmsObjApplyAgent and to perform the installation process using Start-TpmsApplyByAgent.


  • ThinPrint Engine


New-TpmsObjVLayerPair -Name <string> -Printer <string>
-NameOutput Gateway printer (object)
-Printernative printer (object)

Example 1: cmdlet usage

The following example defines the V-Layer pair Lexmark T644 (as the native printer) and TpmsTestPrinter (as the Output Gateway printer). Here, the Output Gateway printer is connected to the printer port TpmsT­estPort:

See also New-TpmsObjPrinter and New-TpmsObjPrinterTpog for defining printer variables as well as New-TpmsObjTcpIpPortRaw and New-TpmsObjTpPortTcp for defining port variables.

New-TpmsObjVLayerPair -Name TpmsTestPrinter -Printer "Lexmark T644"

Example 2: cmdlet usage

The following example defines the V-Layer pair Lexmark T644 (as the native printer) and TpmsTestPrinter (as the Output Gateway printer) and writes this setting to the variable $vlayer.

See also New-TpmsObjApplyAgent for advice on using the $vlayer variable.

$vlayer = New-TpmsObjVLayerPair -Name TpmsTestPrinter -Printer "Lexmark T644"

Example 3: Script containing New-TpmsObjVLayerPair

The following script creates four pairs of V-Layer printers: four Output Gateway printers connected to Stan­dard TCP/IP Ports and four printers with native drivers connected to ThinPrint Ports (TCP/IP type). The printer information is retrieved from a ThinPrint Client – here: client701.

The properties of the Output Gateway printer objects are retrieved from the template TP Output Gateway color  – however, the ones of the native printers from the ThinPrint Client.

$allports = @() 
$nprinters = @() 
$tpogprinters = @() 
$allprinters = @() 
$vlayers = @() 
$client = New-TpmsObjTpClient -Name "client701" -Port 4000 
$srva = New-TpmsObjQueryAgent -Name "cps47.ourdomain.local" -Port 5050 -ClientQueries ($client) 
$printerlists = Start-TpmsQueryByAgent -Servers ($srva) | Format-TpmsDispatch 
$portnum = 0 
$printerlists | foreach { 
if ($_ -is [ThinPrint.Tpms.Common.TpSrcPrn]) 
$printer = $_.Name 
$printerid = $_.Id 
$allprinters += New-TpmsObjPrinter -Name ([string]::Format("{0}#client701:{1}", $printer, $printerid)) -Port ([string]::Format("ThinPort{0:D3}:", $portnum)) -Driver $_.DrvName -Template $_.DrvName 
$allprinters += New-TpmsObjPrinterTpog -Name ($printer) -Port ([string]::Format("TPOG{0:D3}:", $portnum)) -Template "TP Output Gateway color" 
$allports += New-TpmsObjTpPortTcp -TcpPort 4000 -Name ([string]::Format("ThinPort{0:D3}:", $portnum)) 
$allports += New-TpmsObjTcpIpPortRaw -PortNumber 9100 -HostAddress "" -Name ([string]::Format("TPOG{0:D3}:", $portnum)) 
$vlayers += New-TpmsObjVLayerPair -Name ($printer) -Printer ([string]::Format("{0}#client701:{1}", $printer, $printerid)) 
$portnum += 1 
$srvb = New-TpmsObjApplyAgent -Name "cps47.ourdomain.local" -Port 5050 -Printers ($allprinters) -Ports ($allports) -VLayerConnections ($vlayers) 
Start-TpmsApplyByAgent -Action Deploy -Servers ($srvb) | Format-TpmsDispatch

Start-TpmsApplyByAgent -Action Deploy creates ports and printers on the target machine and -Action Remove deletes them.

Printers folder on the central print server: four V-Layer printer pairs created by a script

Printers folder on the central print server: four V-Layer printer pairs created by the script above – e. g. Output Gateway printer OKI C5510@branch02 and native printer OKI C5510@branch02#client701:2

V-Layer Manager: four V-Layer pairs (created by the script above): highlighted by an orange printer icon

V-Layer Manager: four V-Layer pairs (created by the script above): highlighted by an orange printer icon

printers in the ThinPrint Client Manager on client701

printers in the ThinPrint Client Manager on client701

Printers folder on the central print server: template printers before running the script

Printers folder on the central print server: template printers before running the script

Creating a V-Layer on a ThinPrint Port
Creating a V-Layer in which both printer objects are shared

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