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Relevant entries in Windows Registry

Registry entries of ThinPrint Client Windows

Additional Registry entries of ThinPrint Client Windows

Registry entries of ThinPrint Client Windows

The ThinPrint Client creates the following registry entries, if necessary:




NameMenu item (ThinPrint Client Manager)DescriptionTypeDefault value
BandwidthBandwidthClient-side bandwidth setting (bit/s or bps)reg_dwordnone
ConnAuthKeyAuthentication key Value can be defined by the admin on the connection server; otherwise it’s irrelevant for the first logon, but may not be changed thereafterreg_dword0
ConnModeUse Connection Service0 = Receiving print jobs without Con­nection Service (Listen Mode)
1 = with Connection Service
ConnPortTCP port (Connection Service)TCP port for communication with the Connection Service; be sure: same TCP port number as Connection Service’s ClientPortreg_dword4001
ConnServerConnection server addressIP address of the computer on which Connection Service is runningreg_sz127.0.0.1
ConnUIDClient ID Client ID for Connection Service – an unambiguous ID must be assigned for all clients (TPUID)reg_dword0
ConnWaitConnection retry interval Wait time for connection retries if Con­nection Service is not reachable (in sec­onds)reg_dword300
MinConnectionCount Minimum number of connections to the Connection Service, even if it does not send print jobsreg_dword2
MaxConnectionCount Maximum number of simultaneous connections to the Connection Servicereg_dword100
DefaultStateDefault at server AutoConnect defines current printer as default printer at server (Setup tab)reg_dword1
PName_nPrinter (Assignment)Name(s) of client printer(s) as read from the system settingsreg_sznone
PortTCP port (Advanced)TCP-Port for communication with the ThinPrint Engine; must be the same as Port of ThinPrint Engine with a normal ThinPrint Portreg_dword4000
PrinterClassesChoose class nameNames of the created printer classesreg_szPCL5, PS, TXT
PType_nClass (Assignment)Assigned printer class (n corresponds to n from PName_n) plus printer driver namereg_sznone
Selected PrinterCurrent printerThinPrint Client’s default printerreg_szUse­WDe­fault
Send PropertiesEnable sending properties AutoConnect option for sending printer propertiesreg_dword1
UseWDefaultInherit client’s default printer Set to use local Windows default printer as current printer reg_dword1
WatchPrintersObserves the printer folder and refreshes printers in ThinPrint Client immediately. Enabling/disabling depends on Enable sending properties.reg_dword1


NameMenu item (ThinPrint Client Manager)DescriptionTypeDefault value
AdminOnlyAdministrators onlyRestricts client configuration to admin­istrators onlyreg_dword0
ConnKeep­AliveInterval for refreshing the connection; has to be lower or equal than Connec­tion Service’s KeepAliveTO (server side); (in seconds)reg_dword60
DefPrintStateReload (printers)New printers in ThinPrint Client are checked immediatelyreg_dword1

Available languages for ThinPrint Client:

enu: English

deu: German

fra: French

esn: Spanish


Additional Registry entries of ThinPrint Client Windows

The following Registry entries can be created manually under:




NameDescritptionTypeDefault value
CachePrin­terIDsIf set (= 1) the ThinPrint Client turns on the caching of printer IDs: Values of printers that do not exist (anymore) will not be removed from registry (see PName_*, PType_*, PUsed_* and PPort_*). For each newly added printer the list will be searched for a matching printer name to take the according ID. If no matching printer name was found a com­pletely new ID will be assigned. reg_dword 0
CertNameName of the imported certificate (Registry entry CertName) reg_sz none

0 = use the user’s certificate store

1 = use the computer’s certificate store
Note: Permissions has to be assigned to the certificate (see the instruction Creating certificates for printing with Thin­Print).

 reg_dword 0
DebugFilePath to the log file (together with DebugLevel only) reg_sz none

Bit 1: log errors

Bit 2: log warnings

Bit 3: log information

Example: 7 = log all
(together with DebugFile only)

 reg_dword none
HKCU1= ThinPrint Client configuration is user specific saved under: hkey_current_user\software\thinprint\client reg_dword 0
NewIDSpecifies the starting value for printer ID assignment reg_dword none
RmtConfIP address of the administration machine (e. g., with ThinPrint Engine installed) from which the ThinPrint Client remote configuration is allowed. It is possible to enter more than one address (Remote client configuration) reg_multi_sz none
SetIDListSpecifies whether changes in the ThinPrint Client (new printers, classes, etc.) should be applied when client is restarted
1 = changes are applied (printer list is updated)
0 = changes are reset
Note: The Reload Printers function has a higher priority than these settings.
 reg_dword none


NameDescriptionTypeDefault value
BlockProper­tiesList of printer drivers to disable the fetching of the printer properties for (these native drivers will not be queried for their printer properties by the ThinPrint Client). The name of a printer driver must be on each single line. This list may be overwritten by settings from the GPO.reg_multi_sznone
BoundIPsContains a list of IP addresses the ThinPrint Client is sup­posed to listen on. This is a White List, i. e. the client listens only on these IPs. Each IP address must be one line.reg_multi_sznone

Allows restriction of the ThinPrint Client GUI through GPO.

Bit 0: Hide GUI completely. If the bit is set (= 1) the tray icon of the client will not be shown.

StartDelayTime to wait after starting the ThinPrint Client (in seconds). During this time, the client doesn't accept any TCP connec­tions nor processes any other work.reg_dword0

Further information on the single entries can be found in Unattended installation of ThinPrint Client Windows.


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